Contact Us

Mailing List

#;; If you want to talk to members and contribute to LUG you can start just by subscribing to the mailing list, all you have to do is to send an empty email then after a short time you will receive a mail which includes introductions to complete your membership.



#;; If you have questions about IsfahanLUG, or if you want to share your thoughts and ideas with members, you can use our English forum. You need to register to our SMF forum to be able to commit new posts, sadly the registration form is in Persian but the fields are ( in order ) “username,email,password,password and a captcha image”.

When you compeleted the registration you can access forum here.


IRC Channel

#;; You can also contact us using an IRC client.

Network: FreeNode
Server Address:
Port Address: 6667 or 6666
Channel Address: #isfahanlug

If you are using Chatzilla for conecting to IRC channel just click <a HERE or HERE #;;